
About Manpreet

I am a small-town girl, who learned life-coaching by doing and re-calibrating my approaches towards life.

My life's journey began in India, within a simple yet happy setting. I had loving parents who always taught me to believe in myself and the universal force. However, life was never a bed of roses and every painful experience made me stronger and better. The key was to always seek out the ‘learning’ and ‘adapt’. Years flew by and I was now living in Delhi , all by myself. Within just five years, I became the youngest training team leader for Bank of America.

In 2008, like a typical Indian girl, I got married and left my friends and family to move to London (UK) with my husband. In a jiffy, I metamorphosed into a wife and soon became a mother to two boys. As mums usually do, I took a break from my career.

I jumpstarted my work-life again, but it wasn’t possible to work full-time with two kids deserving your attention 24/7. Finally I found the balance by going part time but that meant I had to let go of so many opportunities in the process and compromise on the purpose to help others by empowering them.

I then decided to give life-coaching a shot and thanks to Tony Robbins and Michael Serwa, who allowed helped me gain professional expertise in the field. I now combine my love for listening and experiences from real-life to help my clients achieve the impossible (which, by the way, is an opinion, and not a fact).

I have had life experiences where I could have easily drowned into depression but I thrived through my innate resilience and an inner-circle of friends and family.

I invite you to get aboard and embrace yourself for a journey of self-realisation where you are the driver and I am your navigator.